Thursday, 24 October 2013

Salad vegetables easy to do

Salad vegetables

Ingredients: ( Level : Medium )

Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 9

- 1 small zucchini fruit

- 1 large carrot

- 1 cup corn kernels

- 4 large beets

- 4 small cucumbers

- ½ cup chopped green onions

- ½ cup feta cheese small cell

- Oil for frying

- Salt

- ½ cup of oil,

- 1 teaspoon pepper

- 1 tablespoon lemon juice

- 3 cloves of garlic


- Carrots and slice the radishes, zucchini cut into thin strips. Chopped green onions and set aside.

Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 1
Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 2

- Heat oil and fry zucchini until soft and slightly brown. Season with a little salt on fried squash. Do the same with corn, and carrots. Then for this material has been fried in the refrigerator.

Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 3
Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 4
Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 5

- Then, for all ingredients have been prepared on a dish.

Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 6
Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 7

How spicy marinated

- In a small bowl, mix oil with lemon juice, pepper and garlic. For seasoning mix with salad ingredients on top.

Salad rau củ đơn giản, dễ làm - 8

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